Heliconius and related genera, Helmut & Ruth Holzinger: "Science Nat" edition, 1994, France. 25x34cm, 328 pages, 51 plates and 41 maps. It is such a wonderful work on those south american nymphalid, the most complete book ever published.
The illustrated Encyclopedia of the butterfly world, Paul Smart: "Tiger Books International LONDON", 1975, reprinted 1991. Over 2000 species reproduced life size, including Heliconiidae.....110 pictures.
Butterflies of the world , D'abrera (B.): "Science Nat" edition, 1984, France. 26x35cm. Vol 3 (the Neotropical region) pages173-384 Pt 2: Danaidae, Heliconiidae & Morphidae... Illustrated in color.